Make an appointment with Student Support

NOTE: The link is currently inactive, please email for a quick response.

We're available for appointments between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Contact us for a free and confidential appointment.

Please enter your details and someone will call you back.

Selecting the type of appointment you need

Counselling (Mental health, personal issues, social and emotional issues) 

Welfare (Scholarships, emergency relief, Centrelink, homelessness, financial assistance and literacy) 

Disability (Reasonable Adjustments, learning assistance for eligible students, and enrolment help)

Youth Support: supporting 15-25 years old, peer support, mentoring and advising, skill development, goal setting, resource referrals

If you require support outside of business hours or have a crisis or emergency, please contact:

  • Emergency Services: 000

  • Lifeline: 131 114

  • Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 015 188

  • Suicide Helpline: 1300 651 251

  • Housing Crisis Support Services: 1800 825 955

We will be in touch with you as soon as possible to confirm your appointment.