Feedback and Report Form

Your feedback is important to us

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback or tell us about a problem. We welcome all feedback as an opportunity to fix problems and improve our services. Our Feedback (Complaints and Compliments) Policy and Procedure are accessible here under 'Governance.'

Your Details

We ask you to tell us about yourself so we can communicate with you, ask for more information and provide relevant services to you. If you provide an email address, we'll send you a copy of your report.

Please specify the language(s) ,separated by comma for multiple

We act on all reports, including anonymous reports. Sometimes, we might need more information to look into an anonymous report. It can be helpful to provide your contact details for this purpose.

A complaint, also known as a grievance, is an expression of dissatisfaction by anyone with: 

• the quality of an action taken, decision made, or service provided, including by a contractor 

• a delay or failure in providing a service, taking an action, or making a decision, including by a contractor.

We ask the following questions to make sure our services are accessible, and your report can be sent to the right person. You can read about how we handle your information under our Privacy and Freedom of Information Policy, accessible here.

Select what your report is about.

Define other issue your report relates to

Impact may include financial, health, emotional, full class, study progress etc.

We'll be able to discuss what outcome is possible.
