Your student ID number looks either like this: 100567893 or this: ABC12345678.
This will be your student ID number followed by OR Eg. ID number: 100567893 Email: OR
Eg. Cert III in Spoken and Written English
Please select from the drop-down list. If you are not sure, please select Broadmeadows Campus if you are a Kangan Institute Student; Select Bendigo City Campus if you are a Bendigo TAFE Student.
Eg. Teacher - Food and Fiber Centre - Horticulture
Please select from the drop-down list. If you are not sure, please select Broadmeadows Campus if you are a Kangan Institute Staff member; Select Bendigo City Campus if you are a Bendigo TAFE Staff member.
Please enter telephone numbers with no spaces and include area code, eg. 04xxxxxxxx